I know I said this blog was done, but I can't not write tonight and this is my only medium.
In response to the tragic events of today that occurred in Connecticut where yet another gun related massacre occurred.
The outcry on social media is heavily favouring the ineffective American gun control laws as the culprit for such an occurrence and I cannot sit idly by and let that stand.
While I feel that yes, gun control is an issue, I also feel that raising children with values of non-violence, support and inclusion are issues too. Yes, Bill Maher, it's easy to say "Prayers and giving your kids hugs fixes nothing, only standing up to our [...] gun control culture will" but waging a war on gun control is only a tiny piece of the puzzle.
Teaching children compassion, love and consequence by example, showing them they are understood and accepted, and educating our new generation on how to work through and combat the selfish hate filled world we have spiraled into is not what I call "fixing nothing."
Children live what they learn, and I have been blessed enough to grow up with acceptance and understanding, not every child is lucky enough.
No matter where you live, getting a gun is easy if you want it bad enough. Yes, America's gun control laws are extremely inefficient, however making sure there is support for people who are bipolar, suffer from other mental issues and depression is just as important.
I understand we are taking it step by step, and gun control is the immediate gut reaction to a tragedy like this one in Connecticut and last weeks in Oregon. I feel that we need to take it a step further and address the issue of why these people felt mass murder was the answer, why shooting up a school or shopping mall was the only outlet for their feelings.
Yes, fight for stricter gun control in the United States, but please also fight for mental health and arts programs. As ironic as it is fight for non-violence and for love and a world with less hatred. Fight for support and conscience, both political and personal.
The fight starts with you and will, if you let it, change the world.
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